Monday, July 2, 2012

Raise the Relevance

What you know about your clients can be a valuable resource.

Most companies have a computer database to manage their client information and transactions.  Often times companies under utilize this data when marketing their goods and services.  Taking advantage of the information you already have can help you to strategically increase the relevance of your marketing and produce greater results.

In marketing, this is sometimes called “one-to-one marketing."  This is when you use the data you have from past transactions to increase the relevance of your current promotion or marketing effort.  When you start to tailor your communications to speak directly to its recipient, it increases the likelihood your piece will be effective.

In the world of print marketing, digital technology allows for a very high degree of customization.  Using your recipient’s name in the marketing copy is a small example of raising relevancy.  But what if you could change the images and descriptions of a products benefits depending on past purchases or a customer’s age.  Or how about using an image of a female taking advantage of your product or service when the marketing piece is intended for a woman and a male when it’s for a man?

Let’s imagine a medical device company has several products designed for different people depending on their age and they want to send a direct mail postcard to their entire client base.  This is a perfect situation for one-to-one marketing.  A printer with the right digital capabilities can create one postcard with a very similar look and feel but promote different products depending on the age of the recipient.  The picture could be of a person of the same sex and age category using the product while the copy is written using words and phrases gears to the different demographics.  All of these customizations make it so the recipient can better relate to the product which, in turn, will increase the effectiveness of the campaign.

A person’s ability to see themselves using your product or service is the first, and arguably the most important, step in creating the optimal conditions for them to purchase from your company.  Use personalization to raise the relevance of your offerings and you’re on your way to increasing sales.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely, when it comes to Blepharoplasty dubai raising the relevance is paramount. It's essential to choose a skilled and experienced surgeon who understands the unique aesthetic preferences and cultural nuances in the region. Research thoroughly, read reviews, and schedule consultations to ensure you find the right specialist who can cater to your specific needs and deliver the results you desire. Your satisfaction and confidence in your choice should be the ultimate goal.
