Monday, March 11, 2013

Efficiency Drives Productivity

John McDermott operating Curry's
new Polar N115 Plus 45" paper cutter
How to accomplish more with the same or even fewer resources.

In today's work environment, employees are being asked to do more and more with less support than ever before.  High productivity is important and can be the main difference between a good and a great employee.  At the heart of all highly productive workers is the efficiency at which they do their job.  This applies in marketing as well as every position in every department in your company.

Every Day You're Marketing

There's more to marketing than just what comes out of your marketing department.

When we think about our businesses, we tend to think of marketing as just one department among our neatly segmented workplace.

But marketing isn’t some abstract thing you relegate to the writers and advertising dorks. Pretty much everything you do as a business is part of the greater marketing process.

Don’t believe it?  Let's break down the various ways you’re marketing, every day–whether you realize it or not.