Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Want to Succeed in Marketing? Act Like a Kid

3 lessons we can learn from children to make us better marketers.

Look to the kids. They have all the answers. When it comes to thinking differently about your marketing, consider these lessons we've learned from how children act.

Curry Wins “Best of Business” Award

Peter (middle) and Joe (right) Gardner, Curry's Owners,
being presented the award at the celebration by Peter
Stanton (left), Publisher at the Worcester Business Journal.
Curry Printing was honored by being named the regions “Best Commercial Printer” at the Worcester Business Journal’s 2014 Best of Business (BOB) Awards. The awards celebration was held on Wednesday, January 29th at Coral Seafood on Shrewsbury Street in Worcester. Attendees included over 300 professionals from businesses who were also selected for excellence in their individual industry or category.